Tuesday 1 November 2011


My written word is testament...its shouts shall echo through time. For I am, for you are, for we are the lost generation that is being found/rediscovered.
To those who do not see though their eyes are wide open... open your mind.
To You who is alive and does not live... open your heart. 
To You who speaks and cannot be heard...let your hands speak for you...
To us whose screams are nothing but whispers in the deafening silence... let our souls scream for they will be heard.
We.. We have personified word... with our minds we fueld the bombs that target the soul
Words coupled with actions can cause an unwanted attraction of senseless connotations and denotations which can and will drown the tainted soul.... 
For... For there is a wild internal tempest that rages as the winds of doubt begin to blow
And I wonder...I wander whose words or actions could calm the raging spirit which i have dubbed the internal tempest.
The winds batter the very branches of the tree that once nurtured... let not the mere mortal destroy what only He can create.
Let not a cocktail of worthless words from a damaged soul be the oxygen in your veins that slowly suffocate the tainted soul.
Let not the web of illusion capture the spirit as it takes flight...
Let My written word serve as a testament
Let its shouts echo through time...For I am, for you are, for we are the lost generation that is being found/rediscovered.
Let those who do not see though their eyes are wide open... open their minds.
 You who is alive yet does not live... open your heart
You who speaks and cannot be heard...let your hands speak for you
Let Us  whose screams are nothing but whispers in the deafening silence... let our souls scream for they will be heard.
With our words of hope can heal the broken soul...
With our actions of kindness we can calm the internal tempests

Your words of cruelty may just be the final push a broken soul needs to finally stop trying to get up...We die once BUT the SOUL DIES A THOUSAND TIMES!

Tuesday 25 October 2011

The Journey Continues... The hard times- IMPERFECT SCULPTURE

There walk down memory lane is a fun,dificult and emotional journey which will be sharing with you in my diary...The Diary Of A Blaque Diamond. Like we all go through our ups and downs, many of us go through more downs than ups. This part of the diary is the painful part where one experienced days of wothlesness, betrayal, loneliness and times of anger,hatride and guilt. Take a walk with me with a clear mind, take a walk in my shoes, feel the pain felt by me and those around me... This piece was writen during the time of worthlesness... This is... THE IMPERFECT SCULPTURE.


In your eyes,
In YOUR eyes I'm the figure of Imperfection
In your mind,
In YOUR mind I'm an incomplete statue...
You see yourself re-sculpturing me
Molding me into YOUR symbol of perfection!
In you heart,
I'm YOUR heart I'm nothing but a shamful burden
But deep down you see a lot of you in me!
To every one I am different...
Its time you realized...
None of us are perfect.
I may be imperfect in your eyes, mind and heart
This is ME the Imperfect one.
I have my flaws where my beauty lyes...
I may have more than you but it makes me, me!
I am proud to be...
Proud to be seen through your eyes...

The Journey Continues - The Stolen Soul

There comes a time in all our lives where we reach a roadblock formed by our past and present. The feeling of emptiness overwhelms you...your heart pounds so slow you feel the air slip in and out of your body... nolonger do you feel alive, alone when surrounded by family, lost in a familure place...your soul has gone missing... your soul is...The Stolen Soul.


Walking down the path to destruction
The heart yanked from your cacoon
The mind has frozen...
Notions confused by fake emotions.
Eyes wide open...
Yet they see nothing.
Ears unblocke...
Yet they hear nothing!
Mouth moving ...
Yet you make no sound
You're in a room of torture and torment
Sitting in the chair of execution
Joints soldered together by fear
Swimming in a sea of sorrow
Yet you go no where.
You wonder why...?
Why your voice goes unheard...
Why your ears have gone deaf...
Why your eyes nolonger see...
Why your notions are confused by emotions...
Why your mind has frozen...
I'll tell you why...
Your body is an empty  cacoon without your soul.
For your soul is...
Your eyes,
Your ears,
Your heart and your voice.
Your soul has disapeared...
Your soul is...

Thursday 15 September 2011

Haves n Have Nots

14 September 2011
The day all became clear
You sat talking about the enlightend soul who you and your has regard as a have not...
You watched,laughed and entertained the dirt being poured on the enlightend one.
Laying in a place she once called home,tears flowing as she hearz your Haves calling her a Have Not...
Funny how you forget...
Funny how you wil regret for life is a circle of cruelty...
You and Your Haves wil have your time as Have Nots.
Forget not those who have been there through out your periods of Haves and Have Nots for they are true to you.
She lay staring into space...
Her heart is bleeding...
Her spirit's screaming...
Her soul is sinking.
Now she knows where to from here.
She is proud to be...

Monday 5 September 2011

Thank You-CALEY...

This is a long overdew post...Before i carry on, I would like to express my gratitude to the gentle soul CINCERE MARLEY.

Not knowing where my word would fall
You extended your ear
for in me you saw a talent i knew i had but never understood its extent.
Not knowing where it will lead
You assured me of its path
Holding you guiding hand of assurance,genuine Overstanding
You showed and continue to show the way.
For in you you i found JAH'S own sculprure... 
For she is...
she who has accepted, embraced and celebrated the artistic ideals of their sculptor is truly blessed for no other person can truly appreciate the artwork if the sculpted does not...celebrate YOU in your entirety for you are celebrated by those whose lives you have touched... in you i Embrace and Appreciate the masterpiece that is your soul, the masterpiece that shines through your outer being...in you i found Jahs' true masterpiece with locks that grace the ground when praying... 

Thank you my sistah... today i gave you your Celtic/Gaelic Name...as of today i shal refer to you as CALEY9 BRAVE WORRIOR)

The day the child of ZION graces AZANIA'S soil, true Healing shall begin...again i thank you.

The Poetic Journey continues...THE APOLOGY OF A NUBIAN PEARL

Aug 17 2009
To those who feel as though i am imposing in your lives I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE. I PROMISE to true TO ME AND ONLY ME, to care for people to a certain extent, to not stay longer where one has stayed long enough, to not ask questions where it is not necessary, to live for today for tomorrow may not be mine.and to count my words for some day they will run out.
WORDS; a powerful medium yet some know not their true power. to those who i have said a lot of meaningless yet hurtful things to I apologize, to those who i have asked too many questions I apologize, to those who i have said too much to yet they did not understand what i was saying hence plunging them into a deep state of confusion, I apologize. to you whom i offend each time i open my mouth...I apologize...for it was not my intentions, at times the truth comes out the why its meant for sugar coating it makes it seem too fake and common...STILL I APPOLOGIZE for not everyone has the ability to accept the truth.
This is my apology... THE APOLOGY OF A NUBIAN PEARL

The Rose of Rare Beauty

Growing up in a small town where popularity was determined by the wealth of your family, the cost of  the clothing you wore and parties you’d throw. I had no rich family, I had no expensive clothes, I had no expensive accessories… made the best of what I could, for me I was a rose that was yet to blossom, yet to be discovered for I was beautiful in my own right…although  in your eyes I never was the one everyone would notice…I knew I was a rose, a rose seen by a lucky few….I AM THE BLACK ROSE
                                                                                      BLACK ROSE

Black Rose

A rose of rare beauty  
Patience is your key
Started as a bud set in earth
Our mothers’ incubator
Nurtured, nourished in her womb
Her love and warmth hailed from above
No one knew your beauty
Black Rose
Your growth a wonder
Patience still your key
Your secret remains unknown
You stretch your body from the soil
Your face cocooned in your hands
Your season arrives
Your face begins to show
Your beauty finally shines
BLACK rose
You are true beauty
You are my wonder
Sweet lies nurtured you
Whispers from strangers gave you your shine
Black ROSE
My rose of rare beauty
Beauty that remains in the eyes beholder
Black Rose
Rose of rare beauty
You are, I am
Black Rose

Wednesday 31 August 2011

The Journey...Ripped from what I called home

Rewinding to the year 2007,not being given a choice i up and left for Cape Town. Numb, i boarded the flight, felt the warm stream flow from my eye...a sign of anger and pain i kept my head high but inside i begun to break, the cracks begun to give in...I FELT LOST, UNWANTED and BROKEN for THEY did not understand, for THEY just let go...i became...THE FORGOTTEN BROKEN DIAMOND.... this is when i knew things were never gonna be the same.

This piece was written on Tuesday 14th August... No longer could i hold it in.
                           BROKEN DIAMOND

Somedays i wake up hoping I would be in a place I know
To pick up the phone and make plans
Plans with people I know,people that understood me.
They promised
They promised never to forget me...
I didn't know.
I wasn't told...
If i had known...i wouldn't have left
I wouldn't have let them RIP me away from the place I loved to hate yet hated to love.
I was stripped of all i Had...
For my identity has gone with all I had.
For my soul has gone back
Back to where I called home.
I am empty...
Lost in a place where the smiles mask frowns
Where I have to accept the fact that I DO NOT BELONG.
In a place where my true friend is my poetry
Where my tissue is the paper on which I cry.
I cry for I am alone...
I tried to tell you
I tried to scream but to you it was a whisper
I tried to stand but i have no back bone
My spirit like worthless grains of sand
Blown away by the winds of sorrow
For I have no one
For i have my words
I mask my emotions for I must
For i am shunned at my expressions of pain
for i can no longer breath.
I didn't know
I never knew...
I wish i knew...
but they never told me...
why didn't they say anything.
why have i become forsaken by them
the ones I cried to
the ones I spoke to
the ones I trusted.
now i know what they meant
what the others feel
the ones we chose to ignore
the ones we forgot.
but I didn't know.
i didn't ask...
i thought...
i thought i...
I thought I would be able to go back...
i was sure you remembered me...
but you have changed...CLAIMING
that I was the one for you refused
you refused to accept
you refused to see who I really am.
if only I knew...
If only I had asked...
but i didn't have it...
If i knew you would have changed...
i would have come...
i came but you didn't recognize me for i had changed...
if only I knew...
I wish i had known
Now I'm back to where it all began
I am lost
I am alone for you
you promised...

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Love Letter

"I'm not a great poet but these are my thoughts, my tears, my emotions and my life. If It weren't for Poetry I would be nothing....It is my addiction, it is my HIGH it is my everything, the edge thats there at my fingertips. In it I can confide, In it I have a true companion In it I have love in it I have voice to speak when i can nolonger speak the will to fight when i can no longer in IT I can be true, In it I have the perfect world in IT i have life in it I have EVERYTHING in it i have never ending wealth in it I have IMORTALITY, SUPERIORITY AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.I thank the one that sawed it in my cloth from which I was made.I THANK IT...Poetry i write this to YOU."
You came into my life unexpectedly
slowly you captured my heart as i fell deeper and deeper
your lyrical seduction mezmorized my every thought
slowly my fingers danced to the rhythm of your addictive caress... I couldn't resist
I dove into your sacred fountain of enlightenment...
You captured my soul, taimend my spirit
for the connection was strong
Through you I can rise, Through you i can fall
In you I hold the best kept secrite
through you my pains, happiness and joy are put into words

You are my greatest gift. you are my addiction, you are my love... POETRY THIS ONES FOR YOU

Monday 29 August 2011

Radient Times...a journey from the past

A beautiful Monday morning to all.
Tis a blessing to wake up and see the sun that has risen in the east, to hear the birds communicating with nature. There comes a time in ones life where things that mattered nolonger do, where laughter is all that matters and a friendly smile to lul the pains to aid them to subside.

She stares out her window as she remembers where she,when her soul lay on the ground for she had fallen, she had fallen from all the hurt, she sits and wonders what it is she did so wrong to deserve the pain…could she have been paying for sins yet to be committed , sins of her fathers or sins of her forefathers? Sitting head buried in her hands she asks….CAN SHE RISE? Her tears turn to ink, the paper tissue…she lets her tears flow as her mind races for her questions are never answered….
Can I Rise?
The question i ask everyday
To live a dream is to have one
I long to hope, wish to pray
To live life
To be the one i really am
The one my reflection will never show
My question is... Can i Rise?
Can i rise from all this hurt
Rise from all this dirt you buried me in
I try to rise...but am bound
Bound by chains of deceit
Bound to a thorny bed of nails
The pain begins to drive me to sanity
All i wish to do is RISE

Rise from the soil
Rise up; put my head in the clouds
Let my fingers stroke the sky
Look at what you've done
You broke my wings before i knew how to fly
Look at me now
Look me in the eyes and tell me...

This question can only be answered by the spirit for it never loses hope, the voice you hear saying "everything will be ok, you will see, the sun shall rise again" tis your spirit its the flame that never burns out till your part in lifes story is over.