Monday 29 August 2011

Radient Times...a journey from the past

A beautiful Monday morning to all.
Tis a blessing to wake up and see the sun that has risen in the east, to hear the birds communicating with nature. There comes a time in ones life where things that mattered nolonger do, where laughter is all that matters and a friendly smile to lul the pains to aid them to subside.

She stares out her window as she remembers where she,when her soul lay on the ground for she had fallen, she had fallen from all the hurt, she sits and wonders what it is she did so wrong to deserve the pain…could she have been paying for sins yet to be committed , sins of her fathers or sins of her forefathers? Sitting head buried in her hands she asks….CAN SHE RISE? Her tears turn to ink, the paper tissue…she lets her tears flow as her mind races for her questions are never answered….
Can I Rise?
The question i ask everyday
To live a dream is to have one
I long to hope, wish to pray
To live life
To be the one i really am
The one my reflection will never show
My question is... Can i Rise?
Can i rise from all this hurt
Rise from all this dirt you buried me in
I try to rise...but am bound
Bound by chains of deceit
Bound to a thorny bed of nails
The pain begins to drive me to sanity
All i wish to do is RISE

Rise from the soil
Rise up; put my head in the clouds
Let my fingers stroke the sky
Look at what you've done
You broke my wings before i knew how to fly
Look at me now
Look me in the eyes and tell me...

This question can only be answered by the spirit for it never loses hope, the voice you hear saying "everything will be ok, you will see, the sun shall rise again" tis your spirit its the flame that never burns out till your part in lifes story is over.

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