Thursday 25 August 2011


Humbled greetings my friends.

tis been a long time comming, finaly i have soaked up the courage to write my poetry on a blog. some of you probably knew my old blog titteled POETIC DREAMER. well I have grown out of that one, for those who have not seen the blog befor i will post some of  my poetry that i featured there.

ok so i know you probably wondering what it is am exactly on about... well allow me to introduce myself:
My name is Valencia Diamond and for those who don't know Diamond is NOT my real surname, born in a dusty town in Mpumalanga with deep Swati and Shangani roots( hence my unique skin tint that sometimes can be confused as orange,gold or bronze)... anywho  I began writing at the age of 9 and yes it was not good at all, influenced by the hip hop culture of the 90's but i kept on writing. my writing took a new direction at the age of 16 when i realized there was more to life then just partying,hiphop and usual teenage stuff, this was broaght about by a car accident that left me jump and rather depressed. So i found a sanctuary in poetry, that way i could escape the pains and the reality of the world... that way i could do the impossible... that way i could set my mind free for like a caged lion it longs to break free. Thats when i learnt how to CRY, SYMPATHIZE AND EMPATHIZE.

Open your hearts, clear your minds and take the journey with me, walk in my shoes, feel the emotions felt at the times when some of these works where written... this is my story, you too will meet the characters in who's shoes i walk... YOU too will feel the raw emotions, YOU TOO will feel their pain but most of all i HOPE some INSPIRATION is drawn from my works.


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