Tuesday 30 August 2011

Love Letter

"I'm not a great poet but these are my thoughts, my tears, my emotions and my life. If It weren't for Poetry I would be nothing....It is my addiction, it is my HIGH it is my everything, the edge thats there at my fingertips. In it I can confide, In it I have a true companion In it I have love in it I have voice to speak when i can nolonger speak the will to fight when i can no longer in IT I can be true, In it I have the perfect world in IT i have life in it I have EVERYTHING in it i have never ending wealth in it I have IMORTALITY, SUPERIORITY AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.I thank the one that sawed it in my cloth from which I was made.I THANK IT...Poetry i write this to YOU."
You came into my life unexpectedly
slowly you captured my heart as i fell deeper and deeper
your lyrical seduction mezmorized my every thought
slowly my fingers danced to the rhythm of your addictive caress... I couldn't resist
I dove into your sacred fountain of enlightenment...
You captured my soul, taimend my spirit
for the connection was strong
Through you I can rise, Through you i can fall
In you I hold the best kept secrite
through you my pains, happiness and joy are put into words

You are my greatest gift. you are my addiction, you are my love... POETRY THIS ONES FOR YOU

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