Monday 5 September 2011

The Poetic Journey continues...THE APOLOGY OF A NUBIAN PEARL

Aug 17 2009
To those who feel as though i am imposing in your lives I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE. I PROMISE to true TO ME AND ONLY ME, to care for people to a certain extent, to not stay longer where one has stayed long enough, to not ask questions where it is not necessary, to live for today for tomorrow may not be mine.and to count my words for some day they will run out.
WORDS; a powerful medium yet some know not their true power. to those who i have said a lot of meaningless yet hurtful things to I apologize, to those who i have asked too many questions I apologize, to those who i have said too much to yet they did not understand what i was saying hence plunging them into a deep state of confusion, I apologize. to you whom i offend each time i open my mouth...I apologize...for it was not my intentions, at times the truth comes out the why its meant for sugar coating it makes it seem too fake and common...STILL I APPOLOGIZE for not everyone has the ability to accept the truth.
This is my apology... THE APOLOGY OF A NUBIAN PEARL

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