Thursday 15 September 2011

Haves n Have Nots

14 September 2011
The day all became clear
You sat talking about the enlightend soul who you and your has regard as a have not...
You watched,laughed and entertained the dirt being poured on the enlightend one.
Laying in a place she once called home,tears flowing as she hearz your Haves calling her a Have Not...
Funny how you forget...
Funny how you wil regret for life is a circle of cruelty...
You and Your Haves wil have your time as Have Nots.
Forget not those who have been there through out your periods of Haves and Have Nots for they are true to you.
She lay staring into space...
Her heart is bleeding...
Her spirit's screaming...
Her soul is sinking.
Now she knows where to from here.
She is proud to be...

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