Tuesday 25 October 2011

The Journey Continues - The Stolen Soul

There comes a time in all our lives where we reach a roadblock formed by our past and present. The feeling of emptiness overwhelms you...your heart pounds so slow you feel the air slip in and out of your body... nolonger do you feel alive, alone when surrounded by family, lost in a familure place...your soul has gone missing... your soul is...The Stolen Soul.


Walking down the path to destruction
The heart yanked from your cacoon
The mind has frozen...
Notions confused by fake emotions.
Eyes wide open...
Yet they see nothing.
Ears unblocke...
Yet they hear nothing!
Mouth moving ...
Yet you make no sound
You're in a room of torture and torment
Sitting in the chair of execution
Joints soldered together by fear
Swimming in a sea of sorrow
Yet you go no where.
You wonder why...?
Why your voice goes unheard...
Why your ears have gone deaf...
Why your eyes nolonger see...
Why your notions are confused by emotions...
Why your mind has frozen...
I'll tell you why...
Your body is an empty  cacoon without your soul.
For your soul is...
Your eyes,
Your ears,
Your heart and your voice.
Your soul has disapeared...
Your soul is...

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