Monday 5 September 2011

The Rose of Rare Beauty

Growing up in a small town where popularity was determined by the wealth of your family, the cost of  the clothing you wore and parties you’d throw. I had no rich family, I had no expensive clothes, I had no expensive accessories… made the best of what I could, for me I was a rose that was yet to blossom, yet to be discovered for I was beautiful in my own right…although  in your eyes I never was the one everyone would notice…I knew I was a rose, a rose seen by a lucky few….I AM THE BLACK ROSE
                                                                                      BLACK ROSE

Black Rose

A rose of rare beauty  
Patience is your key
Started as a bud set in earth
Our mothers’ incubator
Nurtured, nourished in her womb
Her love and warmth hailed from above
No one knew your beauty
Black Rose
Your growth a wonder
Patience still your key
Your secret remains unknown
You stretch your body from the soil
Your face cocooned in your hands
Your season arrives
Your face begins to show
Your beauty finally shines
BLACK rose
You are true beauty
You are my wonder
Sweet lies nurtured you
Whispers from strangers gave you your shine
Black ROSE
My rose of rare beauty
Beauty that remains in the eyes beholder
Black Rose
Rose of rare beauty
You are, I am
Black Rose

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