Monday 5 September 2011

Thank You-CALEY...

This is a long overdew post...Before i carry on, I would like to express my gratitude to the gentle soul CINCERE MARLEY.

Not knowing where my word would fall
You extended your ear
for in me you saw a talent i knew i had but never understood its extent.
Not knowing where it will lead
You assured me of its path
Holding you guiding hand of assurance,genuine Overstanding
You showed and continue to show the way.
For in you you i found JAH'S own sculprure... 
For she is...
she who has accepted, embraced and celebrated the artistic ideals of their sculptor is truly blessed for no other person can truly appreciate the artwork if the sculpted does not...celebrate YOU in your entirety for you are celebrated by those whose lives you have touched... in you i Embrace and Appreciate the masterpiece that is your soul, the masterpiece that shines through your outer you i found Jahs' true masterpiece with locks that grace the ground when praying... 

Thank you my sistah... today i gave you your Celtic/Gaelic of today i shal refer to you as CALEY9 BRAVE WORRIOR)

The day the child of ZION graces AZANIA'S soil, true Healing shall begin...again i thank you.

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