Monday 6 August 2012

The Road Less Traveled...cont. has been a while since i wrote anything in the diary, time wasn't on my side for alot came at once. Now that all has been cleared... The Diary of A Blaque Diamond Continues.

THE HARD TIMES....LOST in my own realm of uncertainty,my once beautiful mind began to slowly whither for the fire that once nourished now destroys, my once pure heart slowly began to gather dirt for I had become...boxed!My dreams limited, My smile meaningless, My screams silent and My tears non my mental eyes glazed and emptied... all i could do was attempt to decipher my confusion,as my hand began to i let the pen translate....i became...The Boxed Writer!


I sit in my boxed sanctuary.
For I fear what I have become.
The mask I once wore with pride has been broken.
For they knew I can't...
For they knew I'd never...
They knew I could never walk with the same pride as I did.
My mask of fear,
My mask of falseness they have taken it.
Have I played right into their palms?
For I have chosen to hide,hide in my boxed sanctuary.
For life is a story
Like you I am a character
Those I befriend are those who make my chapters
For I have embraced my NUBIAN KING
as I am to be crowned the NUBIAN QUEEN
for the chapters I am bound to embark will be those of ROYALTY as i am tested.
The ultimate test of LOYALTY
as I see the kingz NUBIAN personalities.
For we are mearly characters
Who do you choose to be?
For I am the writer of my own destiny.
Which I proof read in my boxed sanctuary...
I Proudly remain... The Boxed writer. 

This to me had seemed like the end and then i remembered...the sun does rise in the morning and i realized, i had broken my soul because of another beings self doubt and then i  realized that...
some things in life are better left unspoken, some feelings are best un-felt, some words are better left unsaid. Do you know how many souls you kill with the poison that comes out of ones mouth. but then again who am i to judge...i judge you Not but remind you of the pain we put them through!

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